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Группы : Дискографии


Atrox: "Terrestrials" – 2002

энциклопедия: Atrox

Состав группы:

  • Eivind – гитары, сэмплы
  • Rune – гитары, сэмплы, бас
  • Monika – вокал, синтезатор

Atrox: "Terrestrials" – 2002


  1. Lay
  2. Ruin
  3. Mare's Nest
  4. Nine Wishes
  5. Human Inventions
  6. Mental Nomads
  7. Changeling
  8. The Bedlam Of The Bedlam
  9. Translunaria
  10. Look Further


1. Lay

You know you should lay your ghosts, but you've become used to them.
You make your bed at eve, stretch ghosts over the mattress, let the insane bed tuck up
your dunes, hide your dreams under the pillow.
"You have made your bed, and you must lie on it"
At dawn you wash away the nightmares and wait for the daymares
and the spectral echoes of canned laughter.
You swallow yourself – later it won't help to put your finger down your throat.
There won't be a finger, there won't be a throat.

перевод: "Ложись" (Barbara) »

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2. Ruin

Out chasing kites and dragonets, loosing the track, jerking out of scrubs.
Getting clasped by the creepers of a tumbledown stone wall.
Shattered gargoyles on the ground. Their eyes staring up on their pebble-drooling
congeners and on moss grown sculptures.
Beheaded dismembered marble figures. Corroded disembowelled marble humans.
Marble mibs sprawling. Marble heads nuzzling. Marble genitals gaping and
heaving in the grass. Marble fig leaves eroding on the compost heap.
Friezes on the walls where grotesque granite creatures revel. Stone reptiles
strangling stone gryphons. Stone maggots consuming the struggling monsters.
Stealing through, you'd expect to find skeletons of the Sleeping's Beauty
wooers in the hedges and perhaps her spindle and the witch inside.
Inside Rooms without walls. Columns without ceilings to support. The capitals
shedding dead Acanthus leaves which descend in slow motion to become parts of the
rustling on the floor.
Doors leading nowhere. Stairs spiralling into open air. Formerly secret
passages now exposed, leading deeper into the woods.
In one of the rooms a pile of tiny bones and a pointed ML hat atop of a tiny
skull staring into the corner.
Strange it seems as this palace decayed so quickly as if someone
wanted to get rid of it.
As if the entire host of Seraphim gathered in zenith and wept it away with toxic tears.

перевод: "Разруха" (Barbara) »

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3. Mare's Nest

At last I've found you. You're here, you're mine, you're a machine.
Hear my tales, decipher my dreams, tell me things.
So happy. What can I use you for – ogling, nestling, coddling? Keep up the spirit,
enliven me, keep me alive, don't let me die.
You're beautiful as only you – Heebie-jeebies! –
You blow bubble-flies into my belly.
Have a glass of gastric juice, have it all.
I want to see you cry. I want to see you hurt. Let those tears flow.
Shall I cut onions for your eyes? Let your tears flow.
Miss me, long for me, be desperate for me. You're a jumping jack, you're a
golliwog. Maybe you don't exist at all.
Warm hands when they're numb of holding you so tight.
Stay in your nest and I'll put a flea in your ear.
Paroxysm – craving much. Cataclysm – giving much. You stay in your nest.

перевод: "Иллюзия" (Barbara) »

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4. Nine Wishes

Deep down in a smiling bucket swimming clouds.
If it was up to me this house would be almost seven hundred years old
and more than thirteen kilometres tall.
I would sit in a rocking chair, creaking along with an out-of-tune piano and an orchestrion
that always tricks me with ever-changing tempo I'd be able to walk in the ceiling.
I would eat nebula for supper.
I would wear a necklace made of strung hailstones.
The well outside would be an eye that stares itself blind at the moon.
The water would sob.
The would be two winds moaning.
The shadows would converge when the clock struck twenty-five.
Oh how I wish I could walk about on the walls. And how I wish there were more hours in a night.
When I can't wish for more – the vision of scarabees crackling mandrake roots
in soil breathing ghosts of worms and scolopendras haunting you with their fumes
of horror till your soul tears your body apart and escapes.

перевод: "Девять Желаний" (Barbara) »

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5. Human Inventions

So you took him moonward from the cellar. Put him in the black garret.
The window's spotlight chasing him into the dusty sheets tossing.
Did he wince at the stuffed woodwose lined up with the manikins by the end
wall? And when he made his way through the mishmash and crawled into the casket –
did you, didn't oyou lock him in?
Mercy, have mercy. He's harmless, don't you know? Pity, pity – he pities you.
You're harmless, defenseless.
Cautious, be cautious – he's dangerous, insane. You rip his head off,
crush him, drive a stake through his heart.

перевод: "Человеческие Изобретения" (Barbara) »

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6. Mental Nomads

I am the constant comings and goings of myselves.
Some of them settling within, some going on. Others so journing indefinitely,
turning in, turning out.
New attendants join – cynicism, misanthropy, indifference.
Should I embrace them or have them exorcised?
Oh this inevitalbe madness. Let it come. Transmute it by enduring. it.
Let sorrow in.It will leave eventually. Otherwise it will stay knocking
on your door forevermore.
Are you possessed still? Yes? Then what about now? Possessed still?
Are you addicted still? Yes? Then what about now? Addicted still?
My hour of sanity. The unpredictable.
I meant to lead you away from madness, but that's exactly what drove you out of your mind.

перевод: "Умственные Кочевники" (Barbara) »

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7. Changeling

Do not leave. Leave me weak. Do not leave me alone with this loony they say is me.
A mooncalf – I am in panic, I am manic. A changeling. Pitioned, crippled. I am, believe.
I can't come to terms with the terrestrials. I can't come to terms with me.
A lifetime's worth of tears gathered up in me. I've been on the verge of tears
all my life. How can you be me?
I'm postponing my life again as so many times before.
Self-pity is my substitute for others mercy.
Contempt is my comfort.

перевод: "Подменённый Ребенок" (Barbara) »

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8. The Bedlam Of The Bedlam

A young man astride a rocking horse. His petticoats bristling. His eyes closed
with pleasure enjoying ther euphony of his fork scraping his plate.
Facing him sits a filthy oldie shaking his dentures like castanets. Whistling
through his nostrils, giggling with tears in his eyes.
The clattering of my teeth. Sometimes a coff, sometimes an achoo.
Heard a cry for help, but didn't pay attention. Thought it was only myself as
usual – the bedlam of the bedlam.
A toothless hag moving eyeball-beads in an abacus. They stare so, the stare so
on her rope of pearls: A row of Lilliputian skulls on a string.
The oldie chants the alphabet in an order he has fixed himself. Once he strode
down the aisle with a wedding gown on an arm's length.
His bride-not-to-be (anymore) in the soil right outside.
The youngster tells about how he once lay in a bathtub barely conscious in
rusty-bloody-red water.
The bathtub tiptoed on lionpaws to the landing, tipped over and flung him down
the stairs on a rusty-bloody-red runner.
I'd like to tell them about a dragon with hiccups. Hiccuping fire in headwind,
burning itself.
But I'd better not.

перевод: "Бардак Из Бардака" (Barbara) »

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9. Translunaria

Borrow my imagination for a little while. How can I comfort you? You say you
like it this way.
Night or day – it's the same to you.
Until that day I plant mercury globe flowers in my garden and until that night
your beams make the flowers explode and spread your seeds.
Comfort? Yeah like putting plasters on a limb consumed by leprosy. Comfort?
Yeah like sticking the head in the sand.
I conjured a miserable creature for you. A restless moonling always on the
move. It founded its own nomadic state – Translunaria.
The moonling can never be seen from earth.
Braiding moonbeams.
How can I comfort you? You like it this way, don't you? Slowly revolving a
white horizon round your axis.
You magnetism is so weak, you can hardly keep the ivory tower I conjured for you.
How can I? You say you don't want it. You say you don't need it. How can I?
You don't care at all, do you?

перевод: "Транслунария" (Barbara) »

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10. Look Further

In the shade, in the cold, a grey pastry, a sallow dough.
A giant lump of some o/&%/ substance.
Wallowing in an over-sized glass jar. Quivering, gurgling. Reminding of muddy
aspic. It looks so "/)&/"o%. It makes me feel so ?)#/&?=`*,
Like a giant mite about to burst after gorging ichor. Taking *o&()?o#"%& shapes.
Stretching flabby limbs. Worming out of the jar towards the yellow light.
Excreting a trail of milky pus through the surface rendering.
Outgrowths form in notime, falling off. Tongues emerging from the orifices.
Froth and drool drying up as all crumbles away. The pus smouldering and streaming off.
Looking is not seeing is not understanding is not believing is not agreeing.
It looks so *%#o()=. It swells, it grows, it expands. I think it will #o/$@(?.
Waiting is not longing is not hurting is not bleeding in a world trapped in a
world trapped in a world.
The dough's gurgle ceasing with the yellow rays scorching it. It's throwing a
crust, which cracks and unpeels, reminding of flocks of mandydogs running downhill.
The two of us can't coexist.

перевод: "Смотри Дальше" (Barbara) »

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